Traffic survey definition means to observe data that accurately reflects the real-world traffic situation in the area. It can be counting the number of vehicles on a road segment or collecting journey time information, but there are many other types of data that are collected through traffic Survey.
Critical decision behind every successful development requires strong basis of reliable data and information to establish confidence in decision and production activity. Transportation related development such as road infrastructure, transportation services, freight planning, public mass transportation necessitates high capital investment, therefore, entails deep study to warrants the investment. Traffic survey for planning and feasibility of any development is foremost step. Traffic survey work is an activity to quantify the magnitude of states and parameters of traffic that is travelling through certain road segments.
Traffic Survey and Data Collections is foremost step in increasing the effectiveness and reliability of traffic engineering methods, models and solutions. These methods use to represent the real-world scenario, and the studied effects are supposed to be found after implementation, all developments are highly dependent on data for calibration and validation. With traffic data being such a necessity, it is important to set standard protocols and correct basis for requirements of specific type of traffic study, as wrong sources and procedures for traffic survey can affect the project with delay and cost.
Traffic Engineers used to involve in traffic study to perform transport modeling and simulation, operation research and optimization and the development of methodology to control and analyze traffic flow and operations. These studies are key to ensure and maintain efficient balance between mobility, accessibility and safety provisions.
Traffic Survey Data Collection can include many forms and traffic survey types with many kinds of traffic data collection techniques. Different types of traffic Survey are listed below within respective banner:
With the ever-growing traffic demand and rising challenge of controlling it, traffic networks are equipped with different traffic survey sensors to measure the actual traffic state with most of them involve road traffic survey with minimal or no conflict to traffic flow. This data is essential for evaluating the performance of transportation systems and for supporting the development of new approaches and technologies that address traffic problems.
There are a variety of traffic count or traffic survey methods used on road networks ranging from manual counting, pneumatic road tubes and video cameras to emailed traffic survey questionnaire and telephone Survey. All these are primarily conducted as classified volume count survey.
The range of traffic detection devices is wide, and the major sources of traffic and transport data are listed below.
which record vehicles when entering and exiting a road stretch. These video recordings are then process by Human Traffic Data Enumerator or using Image Vision Model (ML techniques).
which detect passing vehicles when a beam of light is interrupted. Active infrared detectors are additionally able to recognize temperature differences (engine heat, body warmth). Usually gathered information: aggregated flows and aggregated speeds in a few minute intervals.
which measure the presence and the speed of vehicles using the Doppler Effect. Usually gathered information: aggregated flows and aggregated speeds in a few minute intervals. Further, they may measure the height of the passing vehicle.
which detect vehicles entering a created electro-magnetic field by the induction of Foucault currents. With two induction loops placed closely together (commonly 1 m apart) not only the vehicle, but also its speed can be detected. Usually gathered information: aggregated flows and aggregated speeds in a few minute intervals. Vehicle types can be obtained by induction patterns and are experimentally in use.
which transmit ultrasonic sound waves instead of electromagnetic radar waves. Usually gathered information: aggregated flows in a few minute intervals plus a record of vehicle types, distinguished by their length and/ or height. As for induction loops, two ultrasonic detectors placed closely together could measure vehicle speed, too.
Probe vehicle transmitting traffic messages containing location, speed, and others at regular time or space intervals.
which are recently used to gather travel time data, dynamic origin-destination relationships, and mode choice of the transport network. Bluetooth detection as a special case is emerging as a valuable technology, independent of mobile operators, providing high quality measurements – namely speeds and travel times – and with the additional advantage of Bluetooth having no privacy concerns.
that reveals location and passing times of the ETC infrastructures. From the data, the origin and destination of each individual vehicle and the travel time can accordingly be observed.
Control programs of signalized intersections that enable reproduction of the actual signal timings for instance, in a simulation model.
logs give insight about the real time information to drivers, while other measurements were performed. This information includes weather conditions, traffic congestion indication, emergency situation for incident etc., which have an influence on the traffic flow.
Individual person trips have been observed to understand the whole picture of the city-wide travel pattern of people. The survey is normally conducted by the home interview and/or mailing survey which is obviously quite labor intensive, but still its sampling rate is limited.
Origin and destination survey in traffic engineering is used to estimate volumes of vehicular traffic based on their trip start and end location. Because OD cannot be measured directly from conventional sensing data. Normally, interviews of vehicle owners and business offices are carried out to identify trip origins and destinations as well as trip time, vehicle types, etc. Meanwhile, the original target matrices resulting from the survey are adjusted based on link flow counts with streetwise traffic surveys.
The list is certainly not complete, and a growing variety of sources that process raw data to determine congestion levels, travel times, and other measures keep adding to the list. Maybe it is worthwhile to mention that a fast change of perspective is expected due to the evolution of technologies. Mobile detection is opening a completely new perspective and devices fitted with, for example, Bluetooth are making new results in a short term possible. Advance technologies are introducing new data sources day by day to improve and enhance data analytics in traffic engineering domain; however, correct listing of type, quality and quantity of data will always be going to remain paramount in producing efficient outcome of traffic and transportation studies.
Think Transportation is an engineering and traffic survey consultant which ranked among pioneers in Traffic Survey Companies. Think Transportation principally gives high importance to collection of accurate, precise and reliable data so as to ensure effective input to Analysis Activities. Our dedicated Data Collection Experts and Team makes us proud to own excellence in data collection activities. We make use of advanced methods and information and technology to collect data in a reliable and efficient manner. We have built In-House products such as Vision Genius (for Image Processing), Smart Interview App, Road Eye App, GPS Survey App to maximize the efficiency of data collection. Our Quality Control expert inspect the quality, accuracy and reliability of Data. We conduct a vast range of surveys related to traffic.
Think Transportation is actively participating in changing the trends towards traffic survey, data collection techniques and mechanisms to bring foremost importance to reliable data and information for justified planning and management of transportation facilities. WE have been doing large scale traffic data collection with nationwide traffic surveys. Think Transportation has been playing their part in the successful planning and operations of major transportation related projects and will keep striving for the enhancement.