Public Transportation Planning and Design, Traffic Survey
Public Transportation Planning and Design, Traffic Survey
The significance of sustainable transportation system cannot be overlooked in these times of globalization, mass immigrations, urban sprawl and rural developments. This study has been considered as an effort to understand how the existing transportation systems (and its components) can be made more sustainable and complementary to the new transportation developments. Projects like Pakistan Sustainable Transport (PAKSTRAN) are the need of time in the countries like Pakistan since such initiatives are going to make rational efforts in the wake of climate change through reducing the growth of energy consumption and GHG emissions from transport sector in Pakistan which will lead to improvements in urban environmental conditions. This will also enhance the competence of Pakistan in trade and economics.
One of the four units of PAKSTRAN CIU-Sindh which is responsible to ensure operational sustainability in urban transportation in the province of Sindh. Recently mass transit projects have been realized for densely populated city of Karachi (approximate population 22million which is around 10% of population of Pakistan> and four of them are at the stage of detailed design and implementation.
Mass transit projects are direly needed to cater for the mobility needs of the people in such metropolitans. However, we strongly suggest that the mass transit facilities must not be considered sufficient to fulfill the travel demand unless it is complemented with the feeder networks consisting of various public transport system.